This Valentine's Day we talk about matters of the heart, both physical and mental. Kristin Larson, Danielle Thai, and Hal Blotner join me to talk about the wonderful work they do with the Alzeimer's & Dementia Alliance.
Established in 1942, the mission of the Madison Community Foundation is to encourage, facilitate and manage long-term philanthropy. President of the foundation, Kathleen Woit, joins me to talk about this wonderful and invaluable nonprofit.
The Gunderson Family has been helping people in their time of need for 85 years and continue to be a positive and generous member of the Madison community.
Out-going Executive Director Tom Frazier and in-coming Executive Director Nino Amato join me to talk about health care and how the CWAG helps seniors in our State.
Owner and head pharmacist at the Medicine Shoppe Gerhardt Fregien joins me to talk about health, well being, and what services the Medicine Shoppe provides for our community.