Guests: Kay Heggestad, MD, retired family practitioner, Delegation member
Roberta Carrier, Ph.D., Pharmacy, Delegation member
Janet Loewi, family caregiver, Delegation member
Last week’s program presented an overview of United Way of Dane County’s Safe
and Healthy Aging initiative which was launched on September 1st. The countywide,
community-based program brought together health care professionals, pharmacists,
social service providers, caregivers, media and United Way 2-1-1 to develop
strategies to keep seniors safe, healthy and independent.
This program moves from Preventing Falls to Adverse Drug Events (ADEs), more
specifically. and the tremendous impact they have on the lives of older adults.
Identifying ADEs and preventing or reversing their effects is the Delegation’s other
challenge. And it won’t be easy. Dane County older adults take an average of 6.4
prescription medications putting them at high risk for suffering an ADE.
For more information go to www.safeandhealthyaging.org or call United Way 2-1-1.