May 11, 2012


Guests: Sara Finger, Executive Director, Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health
Wisconsin State Representative Terese Berceau

When it comes to the rights of women in the 21st century, some days it feels like deja vu all over again! On this program, Sara Finger and Rep. Terese Berceau pull together the historical journey of women, where they are now, and what lies ahead for this gender that exists in numbers too great to ignore.

You will hear about the advancement of women's health in Wisconsin that is advocated by the Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health and the upcoming
Wisconsin Women's Health Policy Summit, Tuesday, May 15th, at Monona Terrace. "The way to become empowered," says Sara Finger, "is to ASK, LEARN, VOTE. That's what the Summit will prepare women to do."

Rep. Berceau takes us behind the scenes of some of the recent legislation signed into law that particularly impacts women and gives us a sense of the intense dynamics that exist in the Wisconsin legislature today.
For information on the Women's Health Summit and to register online, go to You can also register at the door.


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