June 26, 2015


Guests: Karen Musser, President/CEO and Carrie Gartzke, Self-Directed Supports Specialist, Care Wisconsin

What is the state of long-term care in Wisconsin?  On this program, Karen Musser and Carrie Gartzke describe Family Care, the Partnership Program, and Medicaid SSI - the three public programs Care Wisconsin currently offers in certain Wisconsin counties.  What impact will the Wisconsin budget have on these long-term care services?  What is self-directed care, and how will self-directed care be retained in the new budget guidelines?

Care Wisconsin began as a human services agency in 1976.  They manage the long-term care needs of frail seniors and adults with disabilities who meet income, functional, and residency requirements. Their care model is based on access, choice, quality and cost-effectiveness.  For more information, go to carewisc.org.

June 18, 2015


Guest: Barbara Zabawa, Attorney/President, Center for Health Law Equity, LLC

With the increasing focus in health care on prevention and wellness, implementing programs in the workplace to support and encourage employees to participate in healthy behaviors and activities are becoming more popular. As with all new efforts, challenges arise as to what are the best practices in wellness program implementation; how can a business establish a “healthy corporate culture” while providing strong leadership and employee buy-in?

On this program, Barbara Zabawa discusses the legal landscape of health care reform in the workplace and also shares insight into the current case regarding the Affordable Care Act subsidies that is before the Supreme Court.

For more information, call 608-579-1267 or go to www.cfhle.com.

June 11, 2015


Guests: Bob Sorge, President; Tom Linfield, V.P. Community Impact

As a catalyst for positive, genuine and lasting change, the Madison Community Foundation reached out early to be an inaugural funder of the Justified Anger initiative, a movement they see as potentially being able to successfully address the racial disparities that exist in Dane County and improve the lives of minorities in Madison. On this program, Bob Sorge and Tom Linfield take us through the process of how they identified Justified Anger and other big picture areas of need and are adding their expertise and commitment to achieving a long term community impact.

On Tuesday, June 16, the Madison Community Foundation welcomes author Sheryl WuDunn as guest speaker at their annual dinner, Inspiring Philanthropy 2015, at Monona Terrace. WuDunn, a pulitzer prize-winning reporter, co-authored A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity with her husband, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof.  She will share stories from the book and offer her insights on the art and science of philanthropy and how we can each make a difference.

 For more information about the event, go to madisoncommunityfoundation.org.

June 4, 2015


 GUESTS:  Lannia Stenz, Executive Director;  Sandy Henshue, Director of Events and Corporate Partnerships;  Betsy Kennedy, member and Laughter Yoga Coach

No one need face cancer alone.  Not when Gilda’s Club is nearby.   Gilda’s Club offers an environment away from the health care setting where people affected by cancer can come when they are happy, sad, angry or tired.  

On this program, Lannia Stenz, Sandy Henshue and Betsy Kennedy, Gilda’s Club member and Laughter Yoga Leader, describe the normalcy that returns to families’ at Gilda’s Club in Madison where family and friends come together for emotional and social support, to speak with professionals, play games, laugh and have fun, or just relax and take a nap.  While there may be nothing funny about a diagnosis of cancer, that doesn’t mean people can’t get a good laugh at Gilda’s Club.  Learn how on this program.

For information about Gilda’s Backyard BBQ on Thursday, June 25, go to www.gildasclubmadison.org.