June 26, 2015


Guests: Karen Musser, President/CEO and Carrie Gartzke, Self-Directed Supports Specialist, Care Wisconsin

What is the state of long-term care in Wisconsin?  On this program, Karen Musser and Carrie Gartzke describe Family Care, the Partnership Program, and Medicaid SSI - the three public programs Care Wisconsin currently offers in certain Wisconsin counties.  What impact will the Wisconsin budget have on these long-term care services?  What is self-directed care, and how will self-directed care be retained in the new budget guidelines?

Care Wisconsin began as a human services agency in 1976.  They manage the long-term care needs of frail seniors and adults with disabilities who meet income, functional, and residency requirements. Their care model is based on access, choice, quality and cost-effectiveness.  For more information, go to carewisc.org.