January 21, 2016


Guests:  Tammy Stanek, Certified Pigmentation Dermal Artist and Owner, Lasting Beauty Cosmetics;  Clients, Cindy and Melissa

There is more to permanent makeup than meets the eye. Sometimes it is the simple solution to time-consuming daily makeup applications or dealing with allergies, smudges and mismatched brows. But in many cases, because of scarring, surgery, vision impairment, fading areolas, or the severe hair loss condition called alopecia, permanent makeup can move a person from the shadows to back to living a full and productive life with a feeling of greater self-worth and confidence.

On this program, Tammy Stanek describes the breadth of current procedures customized to each condition or personal desire. Joining Tammy are Cindy and Melissa, who each had permanent makeup procedures for different reasons - one to wake up with makeup applied properly that doesn’t wash off in the pool or at the gym; the other after developing severe alopecia which took away her eyebrows and was spreading to other areas of her body.