Guests: Bettsey Barhorst, President
Terry Webb, Vice President for Learner Success
The need for new facilities, renovations, and upgrades to meet the increasing demand of local residents who need affordable education and job training are the reasons why Madison College is asking voters to approve a $133,770,000 Smart Community Plan on November 2nd. Student enrollment and waiting lists are at all-time highs, while interest rates and construction costs are at all-time lows. And how does this translate to your tax bill? Example: The property tax impact on a home valued at $245,000 will be $33.10 per year, or $2.74 a month. Among the most critical needs: a new Health Services Education Center and Clinic, a Protective Services Education Center, and a Transportation and Advanced/Green Manufacturing Education Center.
Learn more on this All About Living program and at Click on Smart Community.