August 15, 2013


GUEST:  Annie Kelly, MD, Director of Outpatient Services, Dept. of Cardiology, UW Health

On this program, Dr. Annie Kelly introduces us to the new same day access to cardiology clinic at UW Health and the advanced hypertension clinic, a multidisciplinary clinic that brings multiple subspecialists - cardiology, nephrology, endocrine, and vascular surgery - to the patient.

Heart disease is still the number one killer of women and men, but the delivery of care is changing to be more patient-centered and encouraging more patient involvement.  Many heart conditions can be managed successfully by following a Mediterranean-style diet, exercising at least 150 minutes a week and reducing stress through such methods as mindfulness meditation.  These lifestyle behaviors may reduce the need for many medications.

Dr. Kelly recommends the smartphone app,, to help patients to keep track of what they are eating and learn how to mindfully eat.