Guest: Lynne Myers, President and CEO, Agrace HospiceCare
On this program, Lynne Myers discusses Agrace HospiceCare's growing dedication to providing comprehensive, compassionate care to people and their families at any stage of serious illness. She describes the difference between palliative care and hospice care and how people can maintain control of their quality of life, the care they wish to receive, their pain and symptom management and the opportunity to move into hospice care if and when their illness warrants it.
Lynne also highlights the role of Hospice within the Affordable Care Act and the importance of having Advance Directives in place to make sure your wishes are honored.
Agrace HospiceCare is celebrating it's 35th anniversary this year as a community nonprofit hospice facility and recently expanded services into Sauk, Columbia and Iowa counties to meet the needs of the underserved.